Posted by Rob Lagana on October 25, 2010 at 05:35 PM in Anti-aging, Current Affairs, Fitness ottawa, Motivation, Weight Loss | Permalink
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Week 7 - Milan's Challenges and Progress from FreeForm Fitness on Vimeo.
Milan has some important words to share about not giving up. Bodyfat hits 23%! Weight on the scale keeps going up and down, possibly due to the same digestion elimination problems. I've informed Milan to increase his AOR Greens & Berries supplement, drink more water and practice breathing exercises to help relax the body, from his stressfull days.
Posted by Rob Lagana on October 18, 2010 at 07:36 AM in Exercise, Fitness ottawa, Health, Mental, Motivation, Nutrition, Stress Management, Weight Loss | Permalink
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Les Brown is one of the world's best motivational speakers. He helps people beleive it is possible.
I hate heights. I hate climbing ladders. I hate looking down off of high condo buildings. I hate the rides at the theme parks.
I started listening to Les Brown years ago and he pumped me up so much that I jumped alone out of a plane at 3000 feet ! Wow, I actually blacked out from the adrenaline and woke up when the chute opened .. luckily the pull cord was tied to the plane and the instructor cut it loose. It was the most thrilling and envigorating feeling in my life.
I hated those things I mentioned above... now I welcome them !!! Greatest feeling in my life ! I applied Les Brown's principles to my life and it is possible. So, beleive in yourself and checkout Les Brown's video
What do I want from you?
1. Think of a fear that you want to overcome. Can be in business or your personal life or really any aspect.
2. Put it below as a comment. By doing yourself, you are making a commitment to yourself as you have announced it to over 100k people
3. Instead of thinking about how you can overcome your fear, just do it. Seriously. Don’t think about it too much, but must do it.
(Disclaimer: nothing illegal or dangerous please :O )
4. Come and make another comment about how you overcame it and what that meant to you.
5. When you next come up against a fear or approach a situation outside of a comfort zone, think about how you felt just before you attempted and then how not an issue it was to actually overcome.
Have a great weekend and please be in touch.
Posted by Rob Lagana on October 09, 2010 at 06:15 PM in Exercise, Fitness ottawa, Health, Motivation, Performance, Stress Management, Weight Loss | Permalink | Comments (1)
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Milan, CEO of The TK Group drops 6 lbs from last weigh in and drops a bit more body fat. Exercising really does make you more aware of making better food choices. Why the big drop in weight all of sudden? One possibility is better hormone alignment and better digestion, including elimination. Check out the video.
Milan's Progress ~ Week 5 from FreeForm Fitness on Vimeo.
SharePosted by Rob Lagana on October 03, 2010 at 10:49 AM in Exercise, fitness, Fitness ottawa, Motivation, Nutrition, Weight Loss | Permalink
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Week 4 - Milan, CEO of The TK Group, discusses some Challenges and Progress on his weight loss and wellness journey.
Milan's weight hasn't changed however from the start of his journey, he's dropped 6% bodyfat ! We're going to focus on improving Milan's digestion system. There seems to be a problem with elimination, which many people have when starting a weight loss and wellness journey. Check out the video.Posted by Rob Lagana on September 26, 2010 at 09:13 AM in Anti-aging, Health, Motivation, Nutrition, Weight Loss | Permalink
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Every human that has ever existed has been an individual. Different aesthetics, different biochemistry and different biomechanics. This means each person needs a different regime in order to feed, exercise and correct their body and mind as efficiently as possible. With the number of combinations being infinite, you can see how much fun exercise coaches and healers can have attempting to unlock each client's unique code.
Despite the vast number of differences seen amongst people there remain some commonalities that will ultimately dictate whether a client succeeds or falls short of their goals, let's take a look.
Knowledge - Ever find yourself observing someone's form at the gym and catch yourself thinking, "Man, that cannot be good for his back" and "I bet his shoulders will hurt when he gets older". Well, you're right, it is only a matter of time before your subject gets injured. Your first piece of advice to him/her should not be how to correct the exercise but to go home and pick up a book or read an article on how to do things right, because they are either misinformed or uneducated. This applies to any aspect of health and wellness. Having a base of knowledge means calculated success.
Dedication - This doesn't just mean working hard when you exercise, it means looking for ways to improve a little each day. Assess your nutritional quality, posture, sleep patterns, injuries, personality traits and quality of life and physically write them on paper in order of importance. Re-assess them frequently and strive to improve the ever-changing top priority. This ensures that your habits will continuously become better and more efficient.
Love - Love contributes greatly to most decisions in life. I'm not talking about the sappy, hallmark kind of love. I'm talking about the love you have for yourself, your family, your values..etc. Usually, if you make the decision to begin training it means you want to reverse or change something that has happened to your body. You do this because you love your body. You most likely got this way overindulging in a certain luxury. You loved that luxury too much. If you want to make the journey easier and more enjoyable, learn to love exercise and clean nutrition. Eat for function rather than flavor and appreciate what healthy living does for you every day.
Excel at the 3 components and you will see positive changes in yourself.
Posted by Andrew Saikaley on September 22, 2010 at 02:57 PM in Anti-aging, Exercise, fitness, Fitness ottawa, Health, Mental, Motivation, Nutrition, Pain and Injuries , Performance, Sports, Stress Management, Weight Loss | Permalink
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