Each person is given only one body, for which they must care their entire lives; yet, it is alarming that many individuals fail to understand the serious importance of exercise in their lives. Some individuals, once committed to exercise, have allowed life’s complications to push regular exercise out of the picture and are looking for a way to get back on track. This article is for you, as we discuss five highly enticing ways to get back in the exercise habit once again.
Getting Motivated
Life often gets in the way when we’re making other plans. You were going to go to the gym this morning, but your child caregiver was late, and now there’s no time. You thought you’d make up for it this evening, but little Johnny’s homework took much longer than you expected. You plan to get in some treadmill time during lunch the next day, but your boss has other ideas when he demands that report get finished a day early.
This is how motivation dies. And it’s completely understandable. Before you know it, you haven’t worked out in a week, then two weeks, then two months, then two years. So how can you get started again?
The first step is making... and sticking... to reasonable goals. Don’t plan to run a marathon tomorrow if you haven’t exercised in a while. Plan to spend 10 or 15 minutes on the treadmill, or jogging in your neighborhood. That’s enough for one day. And when you’ve started your exercising habit with just one day, the next day will be easier. And the next. When you see results, your motivation will feed itself.
Tracking Your Progress
The second step to sticking with your program is tracking your progress. Success can be one of the biggest motivators, especially when it comes to improving one’s life and health. Tracking success in exercise should be much more than looking in the mirror. Part of the point of starting with goals in mind is being able to objectively keep track of your progression towards these goals. Keeping a daily journal of your workouts and proximity towards goals will engender individuals a feeling of progress and visual success.
Work with a Coach
The third step is bringing other committed individuals in on your exercise habits. By having an exercise coach with your goals in mind, you not only make a commitment to yourself, but to the other person as well. In addition, find people that have similar goals. A healthy level of friendly competition between individuals can bring about some unexpected and pleasant results.
Avoid Boredom
The fourth step to keeping motivated is to avoid boredom by varying your routines and your environment. By trying new forms of exercise, or simply adding onto existing forms of exercise, you can maximize your enjoyment and your focus. Also, having a coach is a great way to relieve the personal boredom when exercising alone. If you normally walk, consider bike riding instead. If you normally play racquetball, try your hand at basketball. Not only will you avoid boredom, but you’ll benefit different muscle groups.
Setting Small Goals to Get to the Big Goal
The fifth and final step is to start slowly and build up your skill, strength and overall fitness levels. The looming thought of having to implement a comprehensive exercise strategy is enough to scare almost anyone away from working out again. By staring small, perhaps only 15-30 minutes at first, exercise routines can become gradually easier and not viewed as a chore but rather an enjoyable activity. If your overall goal is to lose 50 pounds, work on your routines and fitness level using the ‘1 pound’ rule. Every pound you lose is a celebration! Consider hanging a chart on your wall, like the height charts parents keep when you’re small. Number lines on the chart from one to 50, then cross out each line for each pound you lose. This will help you visualize your progress and keep you motivated to move forward. Little goals create big accomplishments.