I know the importance of water. Bodybuilders manipulate the levels of water our bodies retain and use on purpose. As an expert, I understand the effects of dehydration and the benefits of proper water consumption. The focus of the article is to make you aware of signs of dehydration and get you to drink more water to improve your health and performance.
On average an individual should drink about 96 ounces or 3 quartz of water a day. Those on a fat loss program should drink 8 ounces more for every 25 pounds they carry above their ideal weight.
The benefits of drinking the proper amounts of water:
* Increased Metabolic Function
* Decreased Fluid Retention
* Body Temperature Regulation Improves
* Blood Volume is Maintained
* Liver and Endocrine Gland functions are improved
* Lipid (Fat) is better used for energy
A fluid Loss of even two percent of body weight will have negative effects on circulatory functions and performance levels.
The effects of water dehydration can cause:
* Decreased work performance
* Sodium retention (water retention)
* Decreased sweat rate
* Increased core temperature
* Decreased blood pressure
* Decreased blood volume
* Decreased blood flow to the skin
* Decreased cardiac output
* Flu like symptoms
* Irregular bowel movements
* Headaches
* Loss in strength
* Plateau in diet or exercise
Water Drinking Guidelines:
* If someone is on a low-carb diet, dehydration can occur faster. Drink 24 oz. extra.
* Don't gulp too much water at once. This will have a diuretic effect. Limit your water intake to no more than 12 oz. in one big gulp.
* Distilled water is not a good choice, since this flushes minerals out of your body at a faster level and can cause more problems. Use filtered tap water or spring water. If you live in a city like Ottawa, Ontario, the tap water is perfectly fine.
* Consume 16 oz. of water two hours prior to exercise. An additional 8-16 oz. is needed in hot weather.
* Drink 20-40 oz. of water for every hour of exercise.
* Fluids should be cold
* The Goal is to replace sweat and urine losses
As you can see, dehydration is not good and most people base their levels of hydration on whether they are thirsty. Thirst alone is a poor indicator. Be aware of your water intake and your general health and fitness will improve.