These techniques are used to make gains in muscle and are reserved for
people with experience in training with weights, but all in all they are
really fun to do. I have made up a workout for different muscle groups,
try them out.
Cluster set: A cluster set consists of performing 1 rep and then
resting for 20 seconds between each rep.
Try this for your shoulders: Using the seated
barbell press perform 1 rep with 80-90% of your 1 rep maximum then rest
20 seconds and perform another rep till you perform 6 sets of 4-6 reps.
Tempo contrast set: The tempo contrast set consists of performing a
slow exercise followed by a fast movement.
Try this for your legs: Try performing the leg
press Tempo 4-1-4 (4 seconds down/1 second pause/ 4 seconds up) for 4
reps and then without rest perform jump squats for 8 reps as high as
you can.
High volume low rest set: I got this one from Andre Maille a former
world bodybuilding champion and an great trainer. The high volume low
rest set consists of performing a high number of sets and reps with 1
minute of rest in between.
Try this for your triceps: Try performing 20 sets of 20 reps
with 1 min rest with close grip bench press and use about 35% of your 1
rep maximum (so if the maximum amount of weight you can lift is 100lbs
you would use 35lbs.)
Holding set: A holding set consists of holding the weight under
resistance some where in the range of motion for 4 seconds.
Try this for your calves: Try
this with a donkey calf raise with 4 seconds in the stretch position at
the bottom and perform 5 sets of 6-8 reps.
Super sets: A super set consists of 2 exercises performed one after
another with little or no rest between each exercise.
Try this for your chest and back:
For example you would perform 1 set of 8 reps on the bench press and
without any rest perform a set of 8 reps with bent over rows and repeat
for 10 sets.
Pre-exhaustion: A pre-exhaustion set consists of exhausting a small
primary mover muscle with an exercise followed by another exercise that
uses that same muscle as a secondary mover.
Try this for your biceps: Try performing incline dumbbell bicep curls for 4 sets of 6 reps then after that move to 6 sets of chin ups to failure.